2022 the Year of Adventure

Adventure: To explore something new, unknown, exciting.


About a year ago we had decided that I would start a blog for A.R.C. It seemed like a good outlet for me to use some of my gifts and since I had the time, it felt like the right fit. I had just left a job I loved in a field I had been called into. In those 19 years I discovered I had liked writing and spurring on conversations. Our intentions for the blog were good, our heart seemed right, the timing… perfect, but as the weeks turned into months, I began to realize that the invitation for me last year, in 2022, was not to produce but to heal, reflect, and be present.

For far too long, my personal motivations and achievement-based mentality kept me going, kept my blood pumping, kept me focused, and made me, me. But they were not cutting it anymore. I was wrestling with the LORD and realizing that the life I was living was more so living me, than me living it. I assume based on people’s reactions, my leaving a job I loved with people I loved seemed CRAZY! Who in the prime of their life does anything like that?! As 2022 went on, I wrestled with all the questions. I realized I was unbelievably tired, and that I did not know myself or my family.

For me 2022 was an adventure. One I fought for a long time. One I wished away. One I got angry with. One I tried to ignore. One I was confused by. Nothing that made sense seemed to make sense anymore. The flags I held up as banners of: “THIS IS ALI…” looked weird to me. The titles I wore no longer fit who I was becoming.

Nothing about 2022 was tidy or clean. I was often alone or napping. My style changed from business casual to leggings and shirts or hiking clothes.

My capacity for new was extremely limited and the limitation challenged me every day. In 2022, I began to realize that I am not a big deal. I thought I was. I was told I was… but the truth is I am not, and I can officially say, I like it that way (most of the time).

 In 2022 I began to explore and discover new things: like I can still be anything when I grow-up. Just because I was in fulltime pastoral ministry for about 20-years does not mean that is all I am meant to do. I used to tell myself I could never do anything else, but I am discovering I can and I am.

I have realized that random desires can become lifegiving streams. 3 years ago, I was working out with a small group, and I remember saying I would love to teach Barre. I pursued it in the fall of 2021 and the wise person I spoke with asked if I really had time to do it. I did not. But suddenly, I did/do now. In February 2022 I started teaching Barre at a phenomenal studio and I have been working on my certification (I just need to video me teaching then it is official). I love that I get to be with people, create, be active and bless people. I have realized these are a few of my favorite things.

2022 allowed me to meet my family. I wish this were not true but 2022 was the first year I got to taste and see that my family is a gift. Being career driven for Jesus, I misunderstood the gift they were/are. I often saw them as accessories instead of my crowned jewels. Mike was often left to care for us all while I served with all that I had and with all that I was. I have vivid memories of thoughts about them holding me back from my fullest potential. What I discovered was that I said my reason was for Jesus, but it was a cover-up for me. I wanted to be famous. I wanted to be successful, I wanted to make a name for myself. Yes, Jesus was part of it, but my needs became greater than his request.

My family is the best gift God could have ever given me. Mike is one of the most innovative men I know. God has gifted him in such a way that he can see a problem and within minutes have a real solution that works. Mike is loyal and a friend. He wants to encourage people and love people. It does not matter what you look like, smell like, think like, agree with, or disagree with… He will want to hug you and remind you that you are loved, seen, and accepted. I love this about him.

Our oldest is one of the most tenderhearted people I have ever met. She has had this gift since she was born, and it has been beautiful to see it in action. She feels dynamics change within friendships, rooms, shows, etc. She hates relational discord and wants to fight for relationships and unity. She loves to encourage and see people’s perspectives change to hope. She is quick to apologize and forgive. I love seeing her become the woman of God she is created to be.

Our youngest is funny! She is the funniest kid I have ever known. She has a quick comeback for everything. She is a go getter and believes that she can do anything. She is an artist, and her mind is full of stories and imaginative places. She is fearless and pushes herself. She loves to serve people and make people smile. She is convinced that she will be the first female president, and I believe her!

 A year ago, if you would have told me all I was going to discover in 2022, I would have thought I had better things to explore. But now looking back, I would not change a thing.

May we each take moments to pause, look back, and rejoice because we are becoming NEW CREATIONS.

Ali Rivera-Cranmer