Adventure & Rest: Fun

Each person defines Adventure and Rest differently. What I consider rest is different than what Mike considers. What I consider adventure is different than how my daughters like to adventure. And to be honest, depending on the day, adventure and rest can look differently for me too. Because we are all different, this week, we are combining the two and making a mega blog.

Our town just finished a BIG festival: Tulip Time. In 2020 the festival was cancelled and last year the festival was different. This year felt festive, fun, exciting, and full of joy. The festival takes a lot of incredible volunteers and to pull it off, but it is truly something most Pella people take pride in. Because of all of this, we have decided to create a fun Instahunt/Photo hunt. We will be using #ExplorePella #ARCoutfitters to document this experience. This hunt could be a fun date night, family game night, or a friendly FRIENDS competition. This Instahunt does not have a specific order and the goal is to explore and have fun exploring the unique charm of Pella, Iowa. Below are clues to locations and then below that are the answers :)

May we become a people that spends time enjoying the gifts around us and having fun with those we love!

Welcome to Pella, a cute Dutch town, a place where being Dutch is like wearing a crown. Have some fun, explore, and play, there is so much to do here it might be hard to fit it all into one day. Whether you are new to town or a lifer that has been around, we hope you see places and experience Pella, the charming Dutch town.

1) Domine Scholte, was the founder of this sweet town. Domine means pastor and has a ____________ named after him at this replica in town.

2) Right down the street is a working grain windmill that has a pair of ________ shoes too big for our feet.

3) All around town there are new things popping up. Follow your nose down the alley to this bologna hub and snap a photo in front of the scenery from the Mother Country. (Hey, it is also time for a brief snack… beef stick anyone?)

4) Now that your over here, go ahead and walk a little further. Smell the flowers, feel the spray of the water, or better yet give your best Tulip Queen wave and photograph the occasion.

5) Domine’s wife’s name was Maria. She loved to host people and care for her gardens. Check-out their house and see where they used to live a lay.

6) No this is not “Little House on the Prairie,” but this little house has recently completed its renovation and shares the history and Pella and its surrounds towns.

7) Shoes, shoes, shoes… klompen around in wooden shoes. This one you cannot wear but its size and beauty is worth the stare.

8) Parks and plays grounds, Pella has many. This new park is where all people can play in.

9) A hidden gem with an excessively big rock, go on a quick hike and see this fav A.R.C. hammocking spot.

10) We hope you are having fun and seeing some new sites and even seats. Oh yes you read that correctly, Tulips are not only for tiptoeing in but also for sitting in. This park full of wood has two for you to experience some photo fun.

11) So many things to see and do here let us taste another treat but let us make it sweet. There are two delicious bakeries’ here that specialize in delicious Dutch treats.

12) In the same block of stores there is another meat shop, this one has delicious cheese that can be a dip or a spread you chose how to use, Stratown cheese is the one, it is delicious and worth buying more than one.

13) the Netherlands have tulips, brick streets and beautiful canals. Our Molengracht is a beautiful photo hot spot in town.

14) With 130 carillon bells that chime away the time, this animatronic clock share pieces of our heritage at 11am, 1pm, 3pm, 5pm, and 9pm.

15) Well done. you have explored a lot. Can you believe all Pella has to offer? This really should become an adventure/sightseeing hot spot! However, there is one more thing we have not done yet… eat delicious poffertjes and all you must do is take ten more steps. Stop at #Dutchfix and see all the different ones you can get!


1) Scholte Church

2) Vermeer Windmill (the windmill with the Historical Village)

3) Alley by In’t Veld’s Meat Market.

4) Pella Square/Tulip Toren

5) Scholte House/Garden

6) Tuttle Cabin

7) Sunken Garden

8) Wonder Spelen City Park

9) Big Rock Park

10) West Market Park (aka. The Wooden Park)

11) Jaarsma or Vander Ploeg

12) Ulrich Meat Market

13) Molengracht

14) Klokkenspel

15) #Dutchfix

Ali Rivera-Cranmer