To Be: Breath Prayer

When life is busy, I can often run around like a chicken with its head cut off. I do not usually realize it until it is too late. I can become irritable, easily angered, not sleeping well, my breathing becomes shallow, I am impatient, stressed out, and forgetful. However, there is a practice I learned that has helped me re-center, re-concentrate, slowdown, and learn to breathe again… Breath Prayer.

Breath Prayer is an antient practice that encourages us, the participants, to choose a short and simple prayer to repeat while slowly breathing. When breathing in the participant says the first part and then the participant finishes the prayer while exhaling. The most commonly known breath prayer is the Jesus Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy on me.

At different points I have been invited to write out personal breath prayers. I love this exercise because then I can ask God if there is something with which I am specifically consumed with. Is there something that I need to breathe differently about?

The two prayers I use often are:

Prince of Peace (breathing in),

Be my peace (breathing out).


You have me, Lord, (breathing in),

I trust you (breathing out).

Is there anything in your life that seems to be consuming? Is there a breath prayer that you can write that would refocus you, your thoughts, and emotions on God? Try spending a few moments asking God and then write a simple prayer for your current season.

May we become people that learn to breathe more deeply and more fully; so that we can be who we are created to be.

Ali Rivera-Cranmer