Guest Writer: Sam :)

When a month has five weeks, we take a break from our normal and invite a friend to write. This week it is our dear friend Sam. We hope you enjoy :)

Hi! I am Sam.

I love to travel, hike, and explore. It is common to find me planning a new adventure for myself, my camper van, and my pup, Wren. My most recent adventure was with a friend of mine from another country. She was going to be in the States for a month, our goal… to take my camper van and see as much of the U.S.A. as possible within that period. We drove just under 5,000 miles, saw eleven states and five national parks. It was quite the adventure! 

Almost two years ago I was finishing college and I bought an A.R.C. hammock. My hope was to learn to engage in Adventure, Rest and Community differently than I have in the past. I knew I wanted to live a life that took a break from busyness so that I could experience more Adventure, Rest and Community in my life. In the last two years I have realized that choosing to live an A.R.C. life can get complicated. My desire may be to fully engage in Adventure, Rest and Community; however, it is not possible to give 100% for each category at the same time. For me, living the A.R.C. life means learning to keep everything in balance, it is then that I can invest and enjoy each individual part to the fullest.

Sometimes adventure looks like a massive road trip and other times it looks like a movie night in. Sometimes rest looks like a nap and other times it looks like a long walk with my dog. The wonderful thing about A.R.C. is that there is flexibility. A.R.C. is about whatever you need in that moment, which can change and grow with you.

A year ago, I was just getting set up in my van for adventure. Just me the road and my dog. In that moment, adventure was not only going to the open road but also often included trying to find the nearest public bathroom. Now my priorities look a little different. It will be interesting to see how I best live out A.R.C. in the years to come!

May we all learn to be gracious enough to choose in, to experience something new, and to not compare so that we can experience the best Adventure, Rest, and Community we can.

Ali Rivera-Cranmer