Adventure: Pixar-"Up"

We are a family that loves Disney! I love how I feel like a kid when I watch the movies. I love how Disney World is the only place that you will see people decked out in full on mouse gear, no matter their age. It is fascinating to see people participate and be unified and excited to be unified, when so much of the world is divisive. With that said, I have been waiting for this moment for a few months. This July we are going to look at the values of A.R.C. through the lens of different Pixar movies. We hope you enjoy!


Mike and I saw “Up” when it came out in theaters in 2009. The opening love story sequence was a tearjerker. The colors were awe inspiring. The storyline was captivating. A bottle cap that reads: Grape Soda, is forever changed in the minds of the watcher. Blimps, Balloons, exploring, snipe hunting… all got redefined, recreated, reintroduced through this beautiful movie. I loved the movie but then I looked over and saw that Mike’s shirt was soaked with tears, he really loved it (he might not admit it). There was something about “Up” that left the watcher in wonder. The kid’s movie, felt more like an adult movie. The conflict, the adventure, the problem solving spoke to the heart of adults.

A.R.C. defines adventure as exploring something new, unknown, exciting. If I were to summarize “Up” I would say “Up” is about a man, Carl, and his soon to be young friend, Russell, exploring something new, unknown, and exciting together. The movie is a little too obvious of a pick for adventure. However, the reason I chose “Up” is because of the heart behind it.

Adventure is something that many people cannot wait to experience. They save up for years dreaming of the perfect adventure. For some of us this is our very first adventure. For others of us it is a bucket-list opportunity that we cannot shake. The adventure takes on a personality and becomes so built up in our minds. I do not know about you, but this can happen to me a lot. I dream and dream and dream. I love to dream! I love to live in the utopia of the dream and plan all the best-case scenarios. All my conscious dreaming ends with best case scenario and happily ever after endings.

In “Up” they had one adventure that Carl and Ellie cannot wait to go on. They are saving their entire life for this one adventure. Unfortunately, the do not get to go on the adventure together. However, when watching the opening sequence, I cannot help but notice the adventure: life they lived. Each twist, turn, mountain, valley, soaring, soaking experience provided for something new, unknown, and exciting. Maybe, not all at once, but it was there and for Carl and Ellie love, trust, and anticipation grew in those moments.

Sometimes, I get disappointed when my dreaming for adventure does not turn out the way I want. Sometimes, I get frustrated when my adventure does not come in a timely fashion. Because of all of this I can often just give-up and shame my desire for adventure. As I process life, the depths, heights, lengths, and widths it brings, I want to be able to see it all as an adventure. Yes, I want to save and dream about fun things, but I do not want to miss the adventure in each moment. I want to celebrate the opportunity to experience each moment (harder to do when things are hard). I do not want to compare my adventure to others (or my lack of adventure to others). And I want to look forward with hope and anticipation and not backward in devastation. My hope is that we can all see that “Adventure is Out There.”

May we learn to become a people that believes life is an adventure worth living and may we encourage one another with the same hope and anticipation.

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