New Season, New Adventures

Do you ever have so much to say and yet don’t even know where to begin? That feels like this post. Friends, it has been a long time. A lot can happen, a lot has happened… All I can say is we are grateful.

About a year ago we had some people begin to approach Mike and I about a position at a local school. Mike seemed like the obvious right fit with a Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy. There is no way I would ever be good at that kind of position because I can only help kids take a break, breathe, and have a conversation. I was still dreaming, holding out for, planning to be back in formal full time ministry. I got a degree in it; I had been doing it for almost 20-years. It would make no sense for me to change career paths when so much of me, my time, and my professional years were spent working in a church. I was a pastor. I knew it was my calling, I knew it was my purpose, I knew it was my destiny. Nothing was going to steer me away and if anything did, it “obviously wasn’t from the LORD. “

However, I lived in tension, because I knew God was refining my giftings. God had been putting specific people in my path that are also pastors but were no longer working in churches. Each conversation I would have with these people, opened my heart and mind to the possibility of something different. One day, I was driving into church for a meeting and prayer time. As I was driving, my mind was flashing like a slideshow full of all the times I felt fully alive… “I was made for this” moment’s. I was left in awe of all the opportunities and then left with questions about what my future could be. I knew in my spirit I was restless, I had been for a while. I had been through a season of God gently tending to me but I was now ready to launch, to fly, to SOAR again.

A few weeks after that vision, the Principal called from the school. I did everything to try and convince him that I was not the right fit, but then he said: “Ali, we are looking for someone to help kids take a break, breathe, and have a conversation.” The LORD had my attention. I interviewed and began to dream about being in the position. I was saddened by the thought of not receiving an offer. I wasn’t sure how it would all work out; I wasn’t sure if I could actually do the job; and I didn’t know how to reconcile being a pastor at a church to the schools. But in my questions God said: “It’s your gifts as a pastor that are needed at the school.” So I said yes.

Now, here is the thing… I can often live in the Disneyland version of life, so my yes meant something different to me than what was playing out. However, my new adventure at the school, was well … A NEW ADVENTURE. Truth be told, for three colleges (story of another time) I was an education major. However, the NEW ADVENTURE came with a new language and vocabulary. I needed to learn both. It came with set hours, I needed to learn how to work in that timeline. It came with a learning curve of working with kids instead of with youth and adults. I had to posture myself as a student instead of the teacher and “expert”. It came with more questions than answers. It came with doubt. It came with misunderstandings and redefining. But as the year closed it came with more yes’ than no’s.

YES… I can be a pastor outside of a church building. Actually, we all can.

YES… you can change career paths at age 40. There are so many years left and so much more to learn.

YES… being a student and learning can be scary, but actually it is the best posture to be in to receive, to see, and to become.

YES… it is vulnerable to try something new it is also strengthening.

YES… I can do hard things! To be honest, I didn’t know this. What may have seemed hard to others was precisely calculated. I wouldn’t do anything unless I knew I would/could excel. Instead, if things get too hard then I would just declare that thing as “not the right fit” and I would do something else. Eventually this led to an automatic response to run from all things that seemed hard but … ALI CRANMER, can do HARD THINGS and THRIVE while doing it!

YES… working with kids is humbling but it is also one of the greatest  gifts a person could enter into.

YES… TEACHERS (classroom/associates/staff/ administration) are Superheroes ! I would have always said they were gifts but I had no idea that their giftedness extends to Super Hero Status. Each should have a cape, each should have a comic book, each should be awarded a medal of honor.

YES… the world is changing but kids still need to know they are seen, received, accepted and loved. Our schools get to be those places.

YES… There are still GREAT things within public education. There can be some hard things but that is everywhere and anywhere. I/we are thankful that right now our family can process “the hard” together… at home.

YES… I will be returning to the schools next year because together with God I get to create, teach, encourage and lead with Him.

As you reflect on this past season, is it easier to see the “Yes’” or “No’s”? What are the “Yes’” saying? What adventure are the “Yes’” inviting you into?

So may this New Season bring NEW ADVENTURES, and may each adventure bring greater awe and wonder to you about the ONE who created you!

Ali Rivera-Cranmer